суббота, 31 августа 2013 г.

Rendering Plan

1. The title of the article (the chapter, the story, etc)

2. The author of the article; where and when the article was published (the author of the article is ...; the article is written by...; It is published in; the extract for rendering is taken from the book (novel) by ...)

3. The main idea of the article (the article is about...; the article deals with...; the article touches upon...; the purpose of the article is... (the main, chief, primary, principal) aim of the article is …; to give the reader some information about ...; to examine; to analyze; to give a description of; to make estimation ( evaluation ) of; to provide evidence for new facts in support of; to provide new information concerning)

4. The contents of the article. Facts, names, figures. (the author writes ( states, points out, stresses, etc ) that...; the article describes; according to the text; further the author reports that; besides; anyway; what's more; moreover; in addition to; worst of all; on top of; in the first place..., in the second place; first (ly); second (ly); third (ly); next; lastly; finally; last of all; at last; the former... the latter; for example; for instance; in the case of; this is the example)

5. Conclusion (in conclusion; the author comes to the conclusion that...; to make ( draw, reach ) a conclusion;  to make it possible to conclude; it is suggested that smth. should be done; it is necessary to do smth.; in brief;  in short; on the whole; to sum up; to summarize; to crown it all; all in all)

6. Your opinion/impression

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